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Anthologie Sans frontieres 9e - French Reading Grade 9

Anthologie Sans frontieres 9e - French Reading Grade 9

Anthologie Sans frontieres 9e - French Reading Grade 9

Model: 9780201711080
Price: $35.95 CAD

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Anthologie Sans frontieres 9e - French Reading Grade 9
is the antology for the Ontario French as a second language course:
Core French, Grade 9, Academic (FSF1D)

The Sans frontières 9e Anthology is a collection of age-appropriate reading selections, for the required 40 pages of independent reading. It facilitates the implementation of the following Ontario curriculum expectations:

  • "Respond to independent reading of fiction and non fiction narratives"
  • "Analyze at least one chapter book and a selection of short stories, articles and poems, identifying key elements"

It offers comprehension and expansion questions for each selection, as well as a lexique to aid students in reading each selection. 

96 pages.

The accompanying student textbook and workbook are also available.