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Clean Water Science
Model: 4893156032812Clean Water Science.
Learn to clean and reuse dirty water by doing water purification experiements.
Build water filtration and desalination plant at your table top.
Disinfect water with solar power.
4 filter sections & filter plugs, 3 bags of sand, 3 bags of gravel, 3 filter paper, funnel-shaped collector, small plastic cup, soft wax, fishing line, silver reflector card, etc. and experiment instruction guide with fun facts.
For ages 8 - 14.
Learn to clean and reuse dirty water by doing water purification experiements.
Build water filtration and desalination plant at your table top.
Disinfect water with solar power.
4 filter sections & filter plugs, 3 bags of sand, 3 bags of gravel, 3 filter paper, funnel-shaped collector, small plastic cup, soft wax, fishing line, silver reflector card, etc. and experiment instruction guide with fun facts.
For ages 8 - 14.