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Workbk TextBk > Complete Canadian Curriculum - Workbooks

Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 2
Model: 9781771490306
Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 2 , has 4 key subjects: Math, English, Social Studies and Science.
Mathematics :Numbers 1 to 20; Numbers 21 to 100; Addition of 2-Digit Numbers; Subtraction of 2-Digit Numbers; Time and Temperature; Lenght; Perimeter and Area; Money; Addition and Subtraction with Money; 2-D Shapes; Symetry; 3-D Figures; Multiplication; Division; Fractions; Capacity; Mass; Patterns; Organizing Data; Pictographs; Bar Graphs; Probability.
The English subject has 28 articles and corresponding reading comprehension questions. Also there are practice on the grammar and writing skills.
Social Studies Heritage and Identity: Changing Family and Comunity Traditions. My Family; Different Traditions and Celebrations; Traditional Food; Our Traditions and Celebrations; Ethnic Foods and Things; Spetial Days; Changing Traditions; Celebrating Differently; Mapping Our Traditions;
Answers are provided.
402 pages.