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Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 7
Model: 9781771490351
Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 7 , has 5 key subjects: Math, English, History, Geography and Science.
Mathematics : Exponents; Square Roots; Factors and Multiples; Integers; Ratios and Rates; Fractions; Decimals; Fractions, Decimals, and Percents; Percents; Angles; Angles and LInes in Shapes; 3-D Figures; Congruent and Similar Figures; Solids; Area; Surface Area; Volumen; Coordinates; Transformations; Patterning; Algebraic Expressions; Equations, Data Management; Mean, Median, Mode; Experimental Probability; Theorical Probability; Applications of Probability.
The English subject has 28 articles and corresponding reading comprehension questions. Also there are practice on the grammar and writing skills.
New France and British North America, 1713 - 1800: Daily LIfe in Early Canada; The Expultion of the Acadians; Seven Years' War; The Royal Proclamation and the Quebec Act; Displacement: The Loyalists; Interactions.
Canada, 1800 - 1850: Conflicts and Challenges: Challenges in Immigration; The Timber Trade; War of 1812; Important Personalities; The Rebellions; The Province of Canada.
Physical Patterns in a Changing World: Natural Process and Landforms; Land and Water; Climate Patterns; Natural Vegetation; Impact of Human Activities; Impact of Natural Desasters.
Natural Resourses around the World: Use and Sustainability: Natural Resources; Mining of Natural Resources; Water as a Natural Resource; Impact of Overfishing; Using Natural Resources; Conserving Natural Resources.
The Science
Ecosystems; Biotic and Abiotic Elements in Ecosystems; Food Cycle; Natural Cycles; Succession and Adaptation; Human Activity; Structures; Centre of Gravity and Stability; Forces on Stable and Unestable Structures; Materials and Design; The Particle Theory of Matter, Pure Sustances and Mixtures; All About Solutions; Separating Mixtures; Solutions, Mixtures, The Environment, and You; Heat and the Particle Theory of Matter; Heat and Volume; The Transmission of Heat; Heat and How It Is Produced; The Greenhouse Effect.
Answers are provided.
368 pages.