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Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 1
Model: 97817714902901632583497Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 1, is for Grade 1 and has 4 key subjects: Math, English, Social Studies and Science.
The Math subject has topics on: Comparison; Ordering and Sorting; Sequencing; Numbers 1-10, 1-20 & 21-100; Addition and Subtraction 1-10; Counting by 1's, 2's, 5's & 10's; Money; Measuring with Non-Standard Units; Capacity; Mass; 2-D Shapes; 3D-Shapes; Directions; Temperatures; Days , Weeks, Months, and Time; Patterns; Organizing Data; Pictographs; Concrete Graphs; Probability.
The English subject has 28 articles and corresponding reading comprehension questions. Also there are practice on the grammar and writing skills.
The Social Studies subject has 24 lessons to learn about : Heritage and Identity; Our Changing Roles and Responsabilities. What Makes Me "Me"; Special People; Important Places; Special Things; Special Events; Showing Respect; My Changing Roles; My Changing Responsabilities; Our Interactions With Others; My Friends and Me; New Experiences; Helping Others. People and Enviroments: The Local Comunity; My Home; Nature Around Me; My Local Comunity; Comunity Workers; Helping my Comunity; People and Their Comunity; Comunity Changes; Areas in the Comunity; Locating Places; Using Maps; Goberment Workers
The Science subject has 24 lessons to learn about My Body; Five Sense; Living Things and Their Growth, Needs, Movements, Patterns; Healthy Eating; Safe and Healthy Living; Objects and Materials; Reuse & Recycle; Energy and Food, Its Smart Use, The Sun; Structures; Day and Night; Seasons and their Plants, Animals; Night Animals.
Answers are provided.
368 pages.