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Complete English Smart Grade 2

Complete English Smart Grade 2

Complete English Smart Grade 2

Model: 9781771493116
Price: $18.95 $15.95 CAD
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Complete English Smart Grade 2

Section 1 - Phonics

                  It includes Hard and Soft "c" and "k", Silent Consonents, Blends of L,R,S, Consonent Diagraphs,

                  Short and Long Vowels, Y as a Vowel, Vowel Diagraphs, Diphthongs, Rhyming Words

Section 2 - Grammar

                   It includes Nouns, Articles, Pronouns, Present and Past Tense Verbs, Adjectives, Prepositions,

                  Joining Words, Types of Sentences, Subject and Predicate and Objects, Contractions

Section 3 - Vocabulary

                   It includes Words of Sense, Season, Camping, Community, Polygon, Computer, Water, Synonyms,

                   Antonyms, Homophones

Section 4 - Reading and Writing

                   It includes, 10 units of Reading Comprehsion with Writing topics

All sections have Reviews and Answers. Language Games are included at the end of book.

Online Audio Clips are included throughout the book.