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Complete Math Smart Grade 6
Model: 9781771493239Complete Math Smart Grade 6
Section 1 - Basic Skills
It includes Whole Numbers, Prime and Composite Numbers, Adding,Subtracting,Multiplying,Dividing
Decimals, Equivalent and Ordering Fractions, Percents, Ratios, Rates, Unit Conversion, Area, Volume,
Shapes, Solids, Patterning, Means,Median,and Mode
Section 2 - Further Your Understanding
It includes Order of Operations, Fractions, Percents, Perimetre and Area, Volume and Surface Area,
Shapes, Cartesian Coordinate Plane, Transformations, Patterning, Simple Equations, Graphs, Probability
Section 3 - Applications
It includes Operations with Whole Numbers, Mixed Operations with Decimals, Ratio abd Rates, Money,
Perimeter and Area, Volume and Surface Area, Patterning, More Graphs, Probability
It also includes QR Code, Answers, Assessment Tests and Answers.