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Complete Math Smart Grade 7
Model: 9781771493246Complete Math Smart Grade 7
Section 1 - Basic Skills
It includes Multiples, Factors, Exponents, Square and Square Roots, Integers, Fractions, Decimals,
Rates, Perimeter and Area, Lines and Angles, Angles and Shapes, Coordinates, Transformations,
Algebraic Expression.
Section 2 - Further Your Understanding
It includes Multiples and Factors, Exponents, More Practices on above topics, Equations, Data
Management, Probability
Section 3 - Applications
It includes Exponents, Order of Operations, Square Roots, Intergers, Congruence and Similarity,
Transformations and Tiling, Patterning, Data Analysis and Management, Probability
It also includes QR Code, Answers, Assessment Tests and Answers.