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Workbk TextBk > French Canadian Daily Science - from Chalkboard Publishing
Des sciences pour tous les jours (Canadian Daily Science) Grade 3

Des sciences pour tous les jours (Canadian Daily Science) Grade 3

Des sciences pour tous les jours (Canadian Daily Science) Grade 3

Model: 9781771051729
Price: $18.99 CAD


Des sciences pour tous les jours (Canadian Daily Science) Grade 3

Providing students with meaningful activities to reinforce their understanding of important science concepts.

It includes topics of:
- Les plantes: croissance et changements (Growth and Changes in Plants)
- Les forces et le mouvement (Forces and Movement)
- Les structures solides et stables (Stability and Structures)
- Le sol dans l'environnement (Soils and the Environment)
Pages are read-to-go and reproducible for classroom use and include reading projects, hands on learning, teaching tips and rubic.
96 pages.