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E-Z Calculus Self-Teaching Manual
Model: 9780764144615E-Z Calculus Self-Teaching Manual
An entertaining tale set in mythical kingdom where the inhabitants are confronted with a series of problems they must to solve.
Introduces you to problem-solving in practical situations as you learn and apply basic principles of calcullus.
Skill-building exercises at the end of each chapter.
1.The Slope of the Tangent Line
2.Calculating Dervatives
3. Finding Maximum and Minimum Points
4. Derivatives of Complicated Functions
5. Derivative of Trigonometrical Functions
6. Optimum Values and Related Rates
7. The Integral: A Bakward Derivative
8. Finding Areas with Integrals
9. Natural Logarithms
10. Exponential Functions and Integration by Parts
11. Integration by Trigonometric Substitution
12. Integration by Partial Fractions
13. Finding Volumes with Integrals
14. Arc Lengths, Surface Areas, and the Center of Mass
15. Introduction to Differential Equations
16. Partial Derivatives and Vectors
17. Numerical Methods, Taylor Series, and Limits
18. Comprehensive Test of Calculus Problems
19. The Professor's Guide to Calculus
Appendix 1: Answers to Worksheets and Exercises
Appendix 2: Summary of Trigonometric Formulas
Appendix 3: Brief Table of Integrals
For high school and college 101 level.