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French Smart - Grade 8
Model: 9781897457535French Smart - Grade 8
Developed specifically for children learning French as a second language, FrenchSmart helps supplement and consolidate what your child has learned at school in a systematic way. The engaging activities cover the major areas in learning French: vocabulary building, grammar, reading, and usage. Illustrations in English are provided where needed to ensure that your child learns with confidence.
Unité 1 Les salutations (Greetings)
Unité 2 Le voyage (Trevelling)
Unité 3 Les expressions avec « avoir » (Expressions with “Avoir”)
Unité 4 Les professions (Careers)
Unité 5 Les expressions avec « faire » (Expressions with “Faire”)
Unité 6 Le transport (Transportation)
Unité 7 La francophonie (The French-Speaking World)
Unité 8 Les adverbes (Adverbs)
La révision 1 (Revision 1)
Unité 9 Le passé composé (The Past Tense)
Unité 10 Les fêtes francophones (Francophone Celebrations)
Unité 11 La mode (Fashion)
Unité 12 Au restaurant (At the Restaurant)
Unité 13 La négation (The Negative)
Unité 14 Les pronoms d'objet (Object Pronouns)
Unité 15 La phrase (The Sentence)
Unité 16 L'apparence (Appearance)
La révision 2 (Revision 2)
Answers at end of workbook.