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Suppliers > Sargent Art Inc.
Modeling Clay - Primary Assorted Colors
Model: 42229244001Modeling Clay - Primary Assorted Colors. (It's plastercine.)
Great for scuplting and useful in school projects.
It's non-hardening, reusable, long lasting, mixable with other colors to create new colors and non-toxic.
It has 1 lb. (comes in 4 sticks of 4 oz. for each color of red, yellow, blue and green).
Made by Sargent Art.
For ages 5 & up.
Great for scuplting and useful in school projects.
It's non-hardening, reusable, long lasting, mixable with other colors to create new colors and non-toxic.
It has 1 lb. (comes in 4 sticks of 4 oz. for each color of red, yellow, blue and green).
Made by Sargent Art.
For ages 5 & up.