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Nelson Literacy 6a - Student Textbook

Nelson Literacy 6a - Student Textbook

Nelson Literacy 6a - Student Textbook

Model: 9780176291181
Price: $46.95 CAD


Nelson Literacy 6a - Student Textbook is one of the 3 books set, 
which is: 
Nelson Literacy 6a - Student Textbook, 

Nelson Literacy 6b - Student Textbook, 
Nelson Literacy 6c - Student Textbook.

The set is approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education for the Grade 6 English Language course.

Author Team: Jennette MacKenzie, Miriam Trehearne, Carmel Crévola

Nelson Literacy 6a - Student Textbook is full of fascinating stories and articles.  Many of the topics are the same as those that the student will come across in their science, social studies, and health units.

It has 4 units.

Literature Unit: Suspense
In this unit, the student will:
- activate prior knowledge;
- identify characteristics of suspense stories;
- acknowledge different points of view in conversations;
- clarify ideas for writing;
- identify purpose and audience for media texts.

Science Unit: Biodiversity
In this unit, the student will:
- visualize while reading;
- write concisely;
- listen creatively;
- identify characteristics of magazine covers and contents;
- identify characteristics of descriptive text pattern;
- learn about biodiversity.

Social Studies Unit: First Nations and Early Explorers
In this unit, the student will:
- predict using text features;
- use visuals to understand text;
- identify strong transitons;
- identify conventions and techniques in art;
- learn about First Peoples and European.

Health Unit: Your Choices
In this unit, the student will:
- find important ideas and supporting details;
- summarize important information in conversations;
- identify characteristics of cause-and-effect text pattern;
- write an organized paragraph;
- interpret public service ads;
- learn about healthy choices.

Throughout the book, the student will learn the strategies on reading, writing, speaking, listening and media literacy, and trying out these strategies.

Full colors, 128 pages.