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Nelson Literacy 7a - Student Textbook
Model: 9780176334376
Nelson Literacy 7a - Student Textbook is one of the 3 books set,
which is:
Nelson Literacy 7a - Student Textbook,
Nelson Literacy 7b - Student Textbook,
Nelson Literacy 7c - Student Textbook.
The set is approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education for the Grade 7 English Language course.
Author Team: Karen Hume, Brad Ledgerwood, Jennette MacKenzie
Nelson Literacy 7a - Student Textbook presents a rich variety of literature, informational articles, and media texts from Canada and aroung the world. Throughout the book, the student will learn the strategies on reading, writing, speaking, listening and media literacy, and trying out these strategies.
Unit 1: Step Up - What inspires you to step up and take a stand?
In this unit, the student will:
- make connections while reading;
- develop ideas in writing;
- listen effectively;
- recognize purpose and audience of media texts;
- identify sequence text pattern;
- transfer his or her learned strategies to an article in geography.
Unit 2: Tech Effects - How do changes in technology affect you?
In this unit, the student will:
- question text to increase understanding;
- organize ideas in writing;
- deliver oral presentations;
- ask questions to evaluate media texts;
- analyze narrative text pattern;
- transfer his or her learned strategies to an article in mathematics.
Full colors, 120 pages.