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Nelson Literacy 8c - Student Textbook

Nelson Literacy 8c - Student Textbook

Nelson Literacy 8c - Student Textbook

Model: 9780176113995
Price: $50.95 CAD


Nelson Literacy 8c - Student Textbook is one of the 3 books set, 

which is: 
Nelson Literacy 8a - Student Textbook, 

Nelson Literacy 8b - Student Textbook, 
Nelson Literacy 8c - Student Textbook.

The set is approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education for the Grade 8 English Language course.

Author Team: Karen Hume, Brad Ledgerwood, Jennette MacKenzie

Nelson Literacy 8c - Student Textbook presents a rich variety of literature, informational articles, and media texts from Canada and aroung the world.  Throughout the book, the student will learn the strategies on reading, writing, speaking, listening and media literacy, and trying out these strategies.

(Units 1, 2 are in Nelson Literacy 8a - Student Textbook, Units 3,4 are in Nelson Literacy 8b - Student Textbook)

Unit 5: Reality Check - What is the difference between reality and hype?
In this unit, the student will:
- synthesize while reading;
- improve fluency in writing;
- synthesize while listening;
- analyze elements of media texts;
- identify cause-and-effect text pattern;
- transfer his or her learned strategies to an article in history.

Unit 6: Chasing a Dream - How do you make your dream a reality?
In this unit, the student will:
- evaluate texts while reading;
- revise and edit;
- communicate effectively;
- create public service announcements;
- analyze  problem / solution text pattern;
- transfer his or her learned strategies to an article in the arts.

Full colors, 120 pages.