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PAINLESS Geometry (Second Edition)
Model: 9780764142307PAINLESS Geometry (Second Edition)
Understanding Geometry is really nothing more than learning how to solve fascinating puzzles involving lines and shapes of many different kinds. This book takes you step by step through the process of discovering the relationships that exist between parallel and perpendicular lines and analyzing the characteristics of distinct shapes such a circles, quadrilaterals, and triangles. You"ll also learn how principles of geometry can help you solve many real-world problems, and you'll find ideas for intersting proyects.
- Test your progress with quizzes and "BrainTicklers"
- For MiddlesSchool and High School Students.
Chapter 1: A Painless Beginning
- Undefined Terms
- Some Defined Terms
- More Defined Terms
- Postulates
- Theroems
- Conditional Statements
- Geometric Proofs
- Geometric Simbols
Chapter 2: Angles
- Measuring Angles
- Angle Addition
- Angle Pairs
- Angle Congruence
- Word Problems
Chapter 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Vertical Angles
- Perpendicular Lines
- Parallel Lines
- More Parallel Lines
Chapter 4: Triangles
- Interior Angles
- Exterior Angles
- Types of Triangles
- More Types of Triangles
- Perimeter of a Triangle
- Area of a Triangle
- The Pythagorean Theorem
Chapter 5: Similar and Congruent Triangles
- Triangle Parts
- Similar Triangles
- Congruent Triangles
Chapter 6: Quadrilaterals
- Trapezoids
- Isosceles Trapezoids
- Parallelograms
- Rhombuses
- Rectangles
- Squares
Chapter 7: Circles
- Radius and Diameter
- Regions of a Circle
- Pi
- Cicumference of a Circle
- Area of a Circle
- Degrees in a Circle
- Chords and Tangents
- Arcs
- Measuring Arcs
- Four Angles in a Circle
Chapter 8: Perimeter, Area, and Volume
- It's a Matter of Units
- Triangles
- Rectangles
- Squares
- Parallelograms
- Trapezoids
- Rhombuses
- Regular Polygons
- Unusual Shapes
- Volume
- Rectangular Solids
- Cube
- Cylinders
- Spheres
Chapter 9: Graphing
- Graphing Points
- Quadrants
- The Midpoint Formula
- The Distance Formula
- Graphing a Line by Plotting Points
- Graphing Horizontal and Vertical Lines
- The Slope
- Graphing Using Slope-Intercept
- Finding the Equation of a Line
- Two-Point Method
- Parallel end Perpendicular Lines
Appendix I: Glossary
Appendix II: Key Formulas
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