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Pearson Investigating Science 9 - Student Textbook

Pearson Investigating Science 9 - Student Textbook

Pearson Investigating Science 9 - Student Textbook

Model: 9780132080620
Price: $119.95 CAD


The  Pearson Investigating Science 9 - Student Textbook supports The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9: Science, 2008 (revised)
It is for the course, Science, Grade 9, Academic, Course Code: SNC1D 

It has these units and chapters:

UNIT A: Sustainable Ecosystems
1    Ecosystems are complex, self-regulating systems of organisms and their abiotic environment.
1.1 Ecosystems
1.2 Nutrient Cycles and Energy Flow
1.3 Interactions in Ecosystems
2.   Human activity affects the sustainability of ecosystems.
2.1 Human Use of Ecosystems
2.2 Assessing the Impact of Human Activities on Ecosystems
3    Governments, groups, and individuals work together to promote sustainable ecosystems.
3.1 Government Action to Protect Canada's Ecosystems
3.2 Environmental Stewardship
UNIT B: Atoms, Elements, and Compounds
4    Matter has physical and chemical properties.
4.1 Investigating Matter
4.2 Physical and Chemical Properties
5    The periodic table organizes elements by patterns in properties and atomic structure.
5.1 Developing the Atomic Theory
5.2 The Elements
5.3 The Periodic Table
6    Elements combine to form ionic compounds and molecular compounds.
6.1 How Compounds Form
6.2 Names and Formulas of Common Compounds
6.3 Balancing the Hazards and Benefits of Compounds
UNIT C: The Study of the Universe
7    Scientific evidence suggests that the universe began expanding from a single point about 13.7 billion years ago.
7.1 Space Flight to the Stars
7.2 Galaxies
7.3 The Expanding Universe
8    The solar system formed 5 billion years ago, in the same way other star-and-planet systems in the universe formed.
8.1 Stars
8.2 The Solar System
8.3 Earth, the Sun, and the Moon
9    Space exploration improves our knowledge and gives us beneficial technologies, but its hazards and costs are significant.
9.1 How Ideas of the Universe have Changed over Time
9.2 Benefits of Space Research and Exploration
9.3 Costs and Hazards of Space Research and Exploration
UNIT D: The Characteristics of Electricity
10    Static charges collect on surfaces and remain there until given a path to escape.
10.1 Explore the Nature of Static Electricity
10.2 The Transfer of Static Electric Charges
10.3 Electrostatics in Our Lives
11    Current electricity is the continuous flow of electrons in a closed circuit.
11.1 Current, Potential Difference, and Resistance
11.2 Series Circuits and Parallel Circuits
11.3 Ohm's Law
12    We can reduce our electrical energy consumption and use renewable energy resources to produce electricl energy.
12.1 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources for Generating Electricity
12.2 Reducing Our Electrical Energy Consumption
Hard cover, size 21 cm x 28 cm (8.5" x 11"), 577 pages.