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RESOURCE LINES 9/10 - English Gr9-10 Textbook
Model: 9780130129222
Prentice Hall Literature RESOURCE LINES 9/10 - English Gr9-10 Textbook
together with Prentice Hall Literature SIGHTLINES 9 - Student Antholgy (sold separately)
supports the Ontario Ministry of Education course: English, Grade 9, Academic, Course Codes: ENG1D
together with Prentice Hall Literature SIGHTLINES 10 - Student Antholgy (sold separately)
supports the Ontario Ministry of Education course: English, Grade 10, Academic, Course Code: ENG2D
RESOURCE LINES 9/10 - Textbook is an easy-to-use book
on "How To" Read, Write, Speak, Listen, View and Represent,
thus cover all aspects of the English language arts.
Chapter 1: Reading
(The Reading Process, Pre-reading Strategies, In-Process Reading Strategies, Post-Reading Strategies, and Graphic Organizers)
It has Mini Lessons on how to read Novel, Short Story, Poetry, Dramatic Script, Opinion Piece, News Article, and Textbook.
Chapter 2: Writing
(The Writing Process)
It has Mini Lessons on how to write Paragraph, Argument and Persuasion, Description, Narration, Essay, Short Story, Poetry, and Correspondence.
Chapter 3: Speaking and LIstening
(Speaking, Non-Verbal Communication, and Listening)
It has Mini Lessons on how to do Brainstorming, Group Problem Solving, Group Discussion, Interview, Formal Speech, Panel Discussion, Debate, Role Play, and Performance Presentation.
Chapter 4: Viewing
(The Viewing Process, Pre-Viewing Strategies, In-Process Viewing Strategies, Post-Viewing Strategies, and Developing Media Literacy)
It has Mini Lessons on how to view Still Images, Comics and Cartoons, Stage Plays, Film and Television, Televison and Print News, Advertisements, and The Internet.
Chapter 5: Representing
(Pre-designing, Designing, Re-designing, and Displaying)
It has Mini Lessons on how to create or produce Information Illustrations, Drawings and Paintings, Posters, Collages, Leaflets, Desktop Publishing and Computer Graphics, Multimedia Presentations, Advertisements, Videos, and Stage Plays.
[For each Mini Lesson of Chapters 1 - 5,
before describing "how to . . . ",
it describes the Characteristics of the subject matter, Terms and Techniques.
After the "how to . . . ", there are "Try It" activities and " For Review" questions.]
Chapter 6: Research
(The Reseach Process, Planning, Information Retrieval, Information Processing, Organizing and Recording Information, and Presenting Findings)
Chapter 7: Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
(Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections, Verbals, Phrases, Clauses, Sentences, Spelling, Punctuation, Abbreviations and Acronyms, and Capitalization)
346 pages.